I’ve worked in big network agencies, small start ups and everything in between and one thing that remains true is that there is no such thing as a single creative anymore. We work now in a more collaborative and open environment and the idea of a team has and should be evolving.
Agencies are beginning to open up to the idea of the fluid team; a more flexible team, adaptive to the needs of a changing industry. So if you’re a single creative about to join the industry you’re probably wondering what exactly I mean. Well, it means that you’re not alone. You might be hired as a single creative but you’ll never work in isolation. We are at the point in the industry where we can redefine the concept of a ‘creative’ team. You can expand it, re-shape and curate it for every project you work on.
The creative department should now include the whole agency. This is an empowering moment for creatives in the industry. Yes you might not have a dedicated partner but you will have access to a world of creativity to play with. Your partners should now include the planners, technologists, artists, art buyers, finance team,film makers and anyone who the project needs.
A movement all about the co-collaboration approach that opens up opportunities and routes that can go beyond traditional comms. So while it might seem hard to start off as a single creative, keep pushing and keep networking.
You can now define your creative team as all of those around you. Those in more ‘traditional’ teams too, this is your time to break down those walls and think of your team as a team within a bigger adaptive group. Teams are a fantastic way of creating ideas and now you have the chance to explore not just concepts for your clients but the very concept of a team. So go out there and make your team your own.
Make and re-make your team. Illustration by Daniel Evans for thiswolf.com